Wednesday, August 8, 2007

8.8.07--A Journey Begins

Welcome. This is the story of one man's year-long odyssey to get to the Olympics games in Beijing. Not as a long jumper or a skeet shooter, but as a DJ. My name DJ Marcus Aurelius and I have lived in Taiwan for nine years. In that time, I have become the best hip-hop DJ on the island. But as the Chinese saying goes, "A goldfish can only grow as big as its bowl." So I am moving to Shanghai aka Shanghussle aka THE HUSSLE.

This blog with be updated frequently with the trials and tribulations of leaving a wonderful woman, great apartment and comfortable country to come and take the long march to chop down the Bamboo curtain. Will it work? I hope so. Am I a lunatic for leaving my life that I've known for 9 years and try to break into something that is bigger than I could ever imagine? Maybe. But you have to try.

That photo was taken at exactly 8.8.07 at 8:08 pm. For those that don't know, 8 is a very lucky symbol in Chinese culture and the Olympics start at exactly 8:08 pm on 8.8.08. Word to Confucious.

A great way to start off the year is with the main homie Kanyeeeezy. Here's that stronger mix that shakes the dancefloors at 127bpm instead of the 87 bpm one. Big up to Jimi The Genius.